The star of “Friends” confessed in an interview that she was very annoyed with the audience present during the show’s tapings.
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Lisa Kudrow indrømmer, at hun hadede publikum til stede under optagelserne af “Friends”
Stjernen fra “Venner” afslørede i et interview, at hun blev meget irriteret over publikum, der var til stede under optagelserne af serien.
Read MoreLisa Kudrow přiznává, že nenáviděla publikum přítomné při natáčení “Friends”
Hvězda seriálu “Přátelé” přiznala v rozhovoru, že ji velmi rozčilovalo publikum přítomné při natáčení seriálu.
Read MoreLisa Kudrow confessa que odiava o público presente nas gravações de “Friends”
A estrela de “Friends” confessou em entrevista que ficava muito irritada com o público presente nas gravações da série. + Joaquim Phoenix e Lady Gaga cantam, dançam e…
Read MoreCole Sprouse rivela perché è stato difficile lavorare con Jennifer Aniston in ‘Friends’
Cole Sprouse ha fatto alcune apparizioni in ‘Friends’; la star di ‘Zack e Cody al Grand Hotel’ interpretava Ben, il figlio di Ross Geller, nelle stagioni sei fino all’otto della sitcom. Ha debuttato nello show a soli sette anni e ora, a 31 anni, ha confessato quanto sia stato difficile lavorare con Jennifer Aniston.
Read MoreCole Sprouse reveals why it was difficult to work with Jennifer Aniston on ‘Friends’
Cole Sprouse made some appearances on ‘Friends’; the star of ‘Suite Life of Zack and Cody’ played Ross Geller’s son Ben in seasons six to eight of the sitcom. He debuted on the show at the age of just seven and now, at 31, he confessed how difficult it was to work with Jennifer Aniston.
Read MoreCole Sprouse enthüllt, warum es schwierig war, mit Jennifer Aniston bei ‘Friends’ zu arbeiten
Cole Sprouse hatte einige Auftritte in ‘Friends’; der Star aus ‘Hotel Zack & Cody’ spielte Ross Gellers Sohn Ben in den Staffeln sechs bis acht der Sitcom. Er debütierte in der Show im Alter von nur sieben Jahren und jetzt, im Alter von 31 Jahren, gestand er, wie schwierig es war, mit Jennifer Aniston zu arbeiten.
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