She had an inexplicable fear of a Disney villain, and her friend solved the problem in a hilarious way

When he found out that his friend had an inexplicable fear of a Disney villain, he decided to solve the problem in a funny but very effective way.

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Jennifer Aniston chiude il dibattito sulla colorazione del vestito indossato da Rachel nell’episodio di “Friends”

L’attrice Jennifer Aniston ha messo fine al dibattito su se l’iconico vestito indossato da Rachel in uno degli episodi di “Friends” fosse verde o blu.

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Jennifer Aniston beendet die Debatte über die Farbe des Kleides, das Rachel in der Episode von “Friends” trug

Die Schauspielerin Jennifer Aniston hat die Debatte beendet, ob das ikonische Kleid, das Rachel in einer der Episoden von “Friends” trug, grün oder blau war.

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Jennifer Aniston ends the debate about the color of the dress worn by Rachel in the episode of “Friends”

Actress Jennifer Aniston put an end to the debate over whether the iconic dress worn by Rachel in one of the episodes of “Friends” was green or blue.

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Jennifer Aniston afslutter debatten om farven på kjolen, som Rachel havde på i episoden af “Friends”

Skuespilleren Jennifer Aniston har afsluttet debatten om, hvorvidt den ikoniske kjole, som Rachel bærer i et afsnit af “Venner,” var grøn eller blå.

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Jennifer Aniston encerra debate sobre a cor de vestido usado por Rachel em episódio de “Friends”

A atriz Jennifer Aniston acabou com o debate sobre se o vestido icônico usado por Rachel, em um dos episódios de “Friends,” era verde ou azul. + Javier…

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Emlékszel a ‘Friends’-ben szereplő Emma babára? Nézd meg, hogy néz ki 20 év múlva!

A kis Emma a “Friends” című sorozatban Noelle és Cali Sheldon ikertestvérek által volt alakítva, akik most már felnőttek és visszaemlékeztek a híres sorozatban való szereplésükre.

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Ricordi la baby Emma di ‘Friends’? Scopri come sta 20 anni dopo!

La piccola Emma di “Friends” è stata interpretata dalle sorelle gemelle Noelle e Cali Sheldon, che ora sono cresciute e hanno riflettuto sulla loro partecipazione alla famosa serie.

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Erinnerst du dich an das Baby Emma aus ‘Friends’? Sieh dir an, wie sie 20 Jahre später aussieht!

Das Baby Emma aus “Friends” wurde von den Zwillingsschwestern Noelle und Cali Sheldon gespielt, die jetzt erwachsen sind und über ihre Teilnahme an der berühmten Serie reflektiert haben.

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Remember baby Emma from ‘Friends’? See how she looks 20 years later!

Baby Emma from “Friends” was played by twin sisters Noelle and Cali Sheldon, who are now grown up and reflected on their participation in the famous series.

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