Disney divulga trailer da nova e assustadora versão live action do clássico “Bambi”

Disney releases trailer for the new and frightening live-action version of the classic “Bambi”

The trailer for a horror film based on Disney’s classic, Bambi, is causing controversy and mixed reactions among fans by transforming the child-friendly story into something dark.

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Programa mostra caso raríssimo de síndrome causada por mutação genética

Program showcases an extremely rare case of syndrome caused by genetic mutation

The TLC program “Take My Tumour” features Charmaine Sahadeo, a 42-year-old woman from Trinidad and Tobago with an extremely rare case of syndrome caused by a genetic mutation.

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Executivo é condenado por assassinar produtor de '3 Body Problem', nova série da Netflix

Executive is convicted for murdering producer of ‘3 Body Problem’, a new Netflix series

An executive, involved in the production of the “3 Body Problem” series from Netflix, has been sentenced to death for murdering the program’s producer.

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MasterChef contestant eliminated after ‘nearly poisoning’ the show’s judges

A contestant from MasterChef UK was eliminated in the second episode of the season after nearly poisoning the show’s judges.

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Jake Gyllenhaal a "Road House" című filmben szerepel, ami az Amazon legnagyobb mozis bemutatója. Fotó: Visszaadás Amazon Prime

“Road House”, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is already Amazon’s biggest movie debut

With over 50 million viewers in the first two weekends, Road House is Amazon’s biggest debut to date.

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Az Antiques Roadshow-n megjelenő régi Rolex órájának hihetetlen értéknövekedése meglepi a veteránt. Fotó: YouTube Antiques Roadshow PBS Reprodukció

Veteran surprised by incredible appreciation of his old Rolex on Antiques Roadshow

An American military veteran appeared on the Antiques Roadshow with a Rolex he purchased for just $345 in 1974, and was shocked to discover its current value.

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Estrela de “Law and Order” afirma que entregador matou seu cachorro a tiros

“Law and Order” star claims delivery man shot her dog

Angie Harmon, famous for ‘Law and Order’, accuses an Instacart delivery man of shooting and killing her dog, Oliver, after delivering an order to her home.

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Com câncer avançado, Shannen Doherty, de ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’, revela preparativos para sua partida (Instagram / @theshando)

With advanced cancer, Shannen Doherty from ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ reveals preparations for her departure

Shannen Doherty, actress known for her roles in ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ and ‘Charmed’, revealed on her podcast ‘Let’s Be Clear’ that she is preparing for her departure amid advanced cancer.

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L'unità acquistata a "Storage Wars" è stata comprata da un uomo che ha pagato $500 e ha trovato $7,5 milioni nell'unità. Foto: Riproduzione di Dan e Laura Dotson

A man pays $500 and finds $7.5 million in a unit purchased on “Storage Wars”

The discovery of the money was revealed by Dan Dotson and his wife Laura, hosts of the TV show “Storage Wars”.

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Poster of “Breaking Bad” fools fans about Heisenberg-centered film

In line with April Fools’ traditions, a fake poster went viral on social media and stirred up Breaking Bad fans by suggesting a possible film centered on Heisenberg, the iconic protagonist of the series.

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