The most dedicated “Friends” fans are still finding bloopers and interesting details 20 years after the sitcom’s final episode.
The most dedicated “Friends” fans are still finding bloopers and interesting details 20 years after the sitcom’s final episode, and many previously unnoticed details have now become subjects of debate on social media.
For example, in 2021, an observant viewer noticed an “impostor” in one of the episodes from the eighth season, “The One With Rachel’s Date.” During a scene at Central Perk, a user pointed out that Monica’s jaw was completely different, leading many to conclude that Courteney Cox was not on set during filming.
Viewers were also surprised to notice that in the early episodes, Monica and Rachel lived in apartment #1, but the writers realized that this would place them on the ground floor of the building, so they changed the numbers twice, first to #5 and then to #20.
The most observant fans also discovered that Rachel’s pregnancy lasted longer than usual. After doing the math, they concluded that she waited 10 months before Emma, her daughter with Ross, was born.
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