Kevin Bacon e Kyra Sedgwick diventano virali con una canzone sui piccoli ostacoli di 36 anni di matrimonio

Kevin Bacon e Kyra Sedgwick hanno divertito il web cantando le lamentele che hanno l’uno dell’altro dopo 36 anni di matrimonio.

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Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick go viral with a song about the small struggles of 36 years of marriage

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick entertained the web by singing about the complaints they have about each other after 36 years of marriage.

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I fan di “Saturday Kitchen” criticano l’outfit rivelatore della chef ospite del programma

I fan del programma “Saturday Kitchen” hanno espresso la loro indignazione sui social media dopo che la chef ospite Kate Carter-Larg è apparsa con un abbigliamento considerato “rivelatore” durante le riprese del programma.

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Fans of “Saturday Kitchen” criticize the revealing outfit of the show’s guest chef

Fans of the show “Saturday Kitchen” expressed their outrage on social media after guest chef Kate Carter-Larg appeared in an outfit deemed “revealing” during the recording of the show.

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Catena americana lancia yogurt nero con inchiostro di seppia ispirato a “Squid Game”

Una catena di yogurt gelato negli Stati Uniti, chiamata 16 Handles, ha lanciato un’edizione limitata di yogurt nero di inchiostro di seppia ispirata alla serie “Squid Game” di Netflix.

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American chain launches black squid ink yogurt inspired by “Squid Game”

A frozen yogurt chain in the United States, called 16 Handles, has launched a limited edition black yogurt made from squid ink, inspired by the Netflix series “Squid Game”.

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Il fallimento di “Joker: Folie à Deux” al botteghino minaccia perdite milionarie per Warner Bros

Il film “Joker: Folie à Deux”, sequel dell’acclamato “Joker” del 2019, è stato recentemente rilasciato, ma non ha soddisfatto le aspettative al botteghino, con solo il 32% di approvazione su Rotten Tomatoes.

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The failure of “Joker: Folie à Deux” at the box office threatens million-dollar losses for Warner Bros

The film “Joker: Folie à Deux”, a sequel to the acclaimed “Joker” from 2019, was recently released but did not perform as expected at the box office, with only 32% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Aveva una paura inspiegabile di un cattivo Disney e il suo amico ha risolto il problema in modo esilarante

Quando ha scoperto che la sua amica aveva una paura inspiegabile di un cattivo della Disney, ha deciso di risolvere il problema in modo divertente, ma molto efficace.

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She had an inexplicable fear of a Disney villain, and her friend solved the problem in a hilarious way

When he found out that his friend had an inexplicable fear of a Disney villain, he decided to solve the problem in a funny but very effective way.

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