A “Trónok harca” HBO spin-offja már nem készül el, legalábbis Kit Harington szerint, aki Jon Snow-t alakította.
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Kit Harington dice che HBO non farà più lo spin-off di “Game of Thrones” su Jon Snow
Lo spin-off di “Game of Thrones” della HBO non sarà più realizzato, secondo l’attore Kit Harington, interprete di Jon Snow.
Read MoreKit Harington sagt, dass HBO das Spin-off von “Game of Thrones” über Jon Snow nicht mehr machen wird
Das HBO-Spin-off von „Game of Thrones“ wird laut Schauspieler Kit Harington, der Jon Snow spielte, nicht mehr produziert.
Read MoreKit Harington says that HBO will no longer make the spin-off of “Game of Thrones” about Jon Snow
The HBO spin-off of “Game of Thrones” will no longer be produced, according to actor Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow.
Read MoreKit Harington siger, at HBO ikke længere vil lave spin-off af “Game of Thrones” om Jon Snow
Spin-off af HBO’s “Game of Thrones” vil ikke længere blive lavet ifølge skuespilleren bag karakteren Jon Snow, Kit Harington.
Read MoreKit Harington říká, že HBO již nebude dělat spin-off k “Hry o trůny” o Jonu Snowovi
Spin-off „Hry o trůny“ od HBO se podle herce postavy Jon Snow, Kita Haringtona, již neuskuteční.
Read MoreKit Harington diz que HBO não fará mais o spin-off de “Game of Thrones” sobre Jon Snow
Spin-off de “Game of Thrones” da HBO não será mais realizado, segundo ator do personagem Jon Snow, Kit Harington.
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