Apple TV+ dokumentären “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” utforskar teorin att Jim Morrison, sångaren i bandet The Doors, fejkat sin egen död. Musikern gick oväntat bort i Paris 1971, vid 27 års ålder.
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Documentar utforsker teorien om at Jim Morrison iscenesatte sin egen død
Apple TV+ dokumentaren “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” utforsker teorien om at Jim Morrison, vokalist i bandet The Doors, iscenesatte sin egen død. Musikeren døde uventet i Paris i 1971, bare 27 år gammel.
Read MoreDocumentaire explore la théorie selon laquelle Jim Morrison aurait simulé sa propre mort
Le documentaire d’Apple TV+ “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” explore la théorie selon laquelle Jim Morrison, chanteur du groupe The Doors, aurait simulé sa propre mort. Le musicien est décédé subitement à Paris à l’âge de 27 ans en 1971.
Read MoreDocumentary explores theory that Jim Morrison faked his own death
The Apple TV+ documentary “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” explores the theory that Jim Morrison, lead singer of the band The Doors, faked his own death. The musician unexpectedly passed away in Paris at the age of 27 in 1971.
Read MoreDocumentario esplora la teoria secondo cui Jim Morrison avrebbe finto la propria morte
Il documentario di Apple TV+ “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” esplora la teoria secondo cui Jim Morrison, cantante della band The Doors, avrebbe finto la propria morte. Il musicista è morto improvvisamente a Parigi, all’età di 27 anni, nel 1971.
Read MoreDocumentaire onderzoekt theorie dat Jim Morrison zijn eigen dood in scène zette
De Apple TV+ documentaire “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” onderzoekt de theorie dat Jim Morrison, zanger van de band The Doors, zijn eigen dood in scène zette. De muzikant overleed onverwachts in Parijs op 27-jarige leeftijd in 1971.
Read MoreDocumental explora la teoría de que Jim Morrison fingió su propia muerte
El documental de Apple TV+ “Before The End: Searching for Jim Morrison” explora la teoría de que Jim Morrison, vocalista de la banda The Doors, fingió su propia muerte. El músico falleció inesperadamente en París, a los 27 años, en 1971.
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