James Van Der Beek meddelar försäljning av signerade t-shirts för att finansiera sin cancerbehandling

James Van Der Beek, som nyligen fick diagnosen tjocktarmscancer, gör sitt bästa för att göra cancerbehandlingar mer tillgängliga för sig själv och andra.

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James Van Der Beek announces sale of signed t-shirts to fund cancer treatment

James Van Der Beek, who was recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer, is doing his part to make cancer treatment more accessible for himself and others.

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James Van Der Beek anuncia venda de camisas autografadas para custear tratamento contra o câncer

James Van Der Beek, que foi diagnosticado recentemente com câncer colorretal, está fazendo sua parte para tornar o tratamento do câncer mais acessível para si mesmo e para os outros.

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