Heidi Klum, aki 2018-ban búcsúzott a Project Runway című műsortól, 8 év után tér vissza a franchise-hoz a People magazin szerint.
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Heidi Klum torna in “Project Runway” dopo 8 anni
Heidi Klum, che aveva lasciato Project Runway nel 2018, sta tornando alla franchigia dopo 8 anni, secondo la rivista People.
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Heidi Klum, die Project Runway 2018 verlassen hat, kehrt nach 8 Jahren zur Franchise zurück, berichtet das Magazin People.
Read MoreHeidi Klum revient dans “Project Runway” après 8 ans
Heidi Klum, qui avait quitté Project Runway en 2018, revient dans la franchise après 8 ans, selon le magazine People.
Read MoreHeidi Klum returns to “Project Runway” after 8 years
Heidi Klum, who said goodbye to Project Runway in 2018, is returning to the franchise after 8 years, according to People magazine.
Read MoreHeidi Klum vender tilbage til “Project Runway” efter 8 år
Heidi Klum, der sagde farvel til Project Runway i 2018, vender tilbage til franchisen efter 8 år, ifølge magasinet People.
Read MoreHeidi Klum keert terug naar “Project Runway” na 8 jaar
Heidi Klum, die in 2018 afscheid nam van Project Runway, keert na 8 jaar terug naar de franchise, aldus het tijdschrift People.
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