Donald Trump critica il film “The Apprentice”, che racconta la sua vita da imprenditore, definendolo “spazzatura” e “pura finzione”

Donald Trump non è soddisfatto del film “The Apprentice”, diretto da Ali Abbasi e interpretato da Sebastian Stan, che ritrae la sua ascesa come imprenditore immobiliare a New York negli anni ’70 e ’80.

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Donald Trump kritisiert den Film “The Apprentice”, der über sein Leben als Unternehmer handelt, und bezeichnet ihn als “Müll” und “reine Fiktion”

Donald Trump ist mit dem Film “The Apprentice” unzufrieden, der von Ali Abbasi inszeniert und von Sebastian Stan gespielt wird, und der seinen Aufstieg als Immobilienunternehmer in New York in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren zeigt.

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Donald Trump criticizes the film “The Apprentice,” which is about his life as a businessman, calling it “garbage” and “pure fiction”

Donald Trump is not happy with the movie “The Apprentice”, directed by Ali Abbasi and starring Sebastian Stan, which depicts his rise as a real estate businessman in New York during the 1970s and 1980s.

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Donald Trump kritizuje film “The Apprentice”, který je o jeho podnikatelském životě, označuje ho za “odpad” a “čistou fikci”

Donald Trump není spokojen s filmem “The Apprentice”, který režíroval Ali Abbasi a ve kterém hraje Sebastian Stan, a který zachycuje jeho vzestup jako realitního podnikatele v New Yorku během 70. a 80. let.

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