During Tuesday’s (11th) episode of “The Drew Barrymore Show,” the actress had her armpit sniffed by Selma Blair, who then returned the favor for the “Charlie’s Angels” star.
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Drew Barrymore og Selma Blair lugter til hinandens armhuler live på tv
Under tirsdagens (11.) episode af “The Drew Barrymore Show” fik skuespilleren sin armhule duftet til af Selma Blair, der gengældte tjenesten for “Charlie’s Angels”-stjernen.
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Tijdens de aflevering van dinsdag (11) van “The Drew Barrymore Show” liet de actrice haar oksel ruiken door Selma Blair, die de gunst teruggaf aan de ster van “Charlie’s Angels”.
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Během úterní epizody (11.) pořadu „The Drew Barrymore Show“ si herečka nechala očichat podpaží od Selmy Blair, která jí laskavost oplatila.
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Durante o episódio de terça-feira (11) de “The Drew Barrymore Show”, a atriz teve sua axila cheirada por Selma Blair que retribuiu o favor para a estrela de “Charlie’s Angels”.
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Néhány Drew Barrymore-rajongó meglepődött az őt körülvevő egyszerűségen, miután egy TikTok-videóban nézte meg a “The Wedding Singer”-t.
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Alcuni fan di Drew Barrymore sono rimasti sorpresi dalla semplicità della casa dell’attrice dopo che ha condiviso un video in cui guardava “The Wedding Singer” su TikTok.
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