Schauspielerin Pamela Bach, Ex-Frau von David Hasselhoff, stirbt mit 62 Jahren

Pamela Bach, Fernsehschauspielerin und Ex-Frau des Schauspielers David Hasselhoff, ist im Alter von 62 Jahren verstorben. Laut Informationen der amerikanischen Unterhaltungsseite TMZ wurde sie leblos in ihrem Haus in den Hügeln von Los Angeles gefunden, nachdem sie mehrere Tage keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Familie hatte.

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Actress Pamela Bach, Ex-Wife of David Hasselhoff, Dies at 62

Pamela Bach, television actress and ex-wife of actor David Hasselhoff, has passed away at the age of 62. According to information released by the American entertainment website TMZ, she was found lifeless in her home in the hills of Los Angeles after days without contact with her family.

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Morre a atriz Pamela Bach, ex-mulher de David Hasselhoff, aos 62 Anos

Pamela Bach, atriz de televisão e ex-esposa do ator David Hasselhoff, faleceu aos 62 anos. Segundo informações divulgadas pelo site de entretenimento americano TMZ, ela foi encontrada sem vida em sua casa nas colinas de Los Angeles, após dias sem contato com a família.

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