
Pixar reveals the last-minute change made in “Finding Nemo” that changed the entire film

Walt Disney Studios

One of the creators of the animation revealed the last-minute change that altered the entire perspective of the film.

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“Finding Nemo,” an animated film released in 2003, is one of Pixar’s most beloved films, but its creators have just revealed that a last-minute change transformed the entire perspective of the film.

In an interview with LADBible, Jason Deamer, a veteran animator from Pixar, explained what changed before the film hit theaters and why they made the change: “We know about Nemo’s mother’s death through flashbacks,” he said, “we all went to the last screening before the work was finished, and we all walked out of the cinema without saying anything.” Deamer believes everyone was thinking the same thing: “Did we just make our first bad movie?”

Deamer recounts that everyone was “a little worried” until Lee Unkrick, a former Pixar animator who left the company in 2019, solved the problem by changing the timing of the flashback sequence.

“He took those flashbacks and put them at the beginning of the film,” “When you didn’t know about Nemo’s mother’s death at the beginning, you thought Marlin was an overly protective and annoying character.” Deamer says the small edit “made the whole film work.”

Walt Disney Studios


“It was the same footage. We didn’t animate anything new, Unkrick just revealed the information to the audience earlier. I know it’s heart-wrenching, but on the other hand, you simply don’t sympathize with Marlin’s overly protective behavior.”

The classic animated film follows single father Marlin, who teams up with the friendly Dory in an attempt to find Nemo after he’s captured by divers in the Great Barrier Reef and ends up in an aquarium in a dentist’s office. While Nemo tries to devise a plan to escape, his father crosses the ocean to rescue him.

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