Big Ed, de "90 Day Fiancé", cancela noivado com Porscha Raemond após 24 horas do pedido: "muito impulsivo" (Instagram / @thisisbiged)

Big Ed from ’90 Day Fiancé’ cancels engagement with Porscha Raemond after 24 hours of the proposal: ‘very impulsive’

Big Ed Brown, known for his appearance on the reality show “90 Day Fiancé,” announced that he has canceled his unexpected engagement after just 24 hours.

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Lembra da bebê Emma de "Friends"? Veja como ela está 20 anos depois!

Remember baby Emma from ‘Friends’? See how she looks 20 years later!

Baby Emma from “Friends” was played by twin sisters Noelle and Cali Sheldon, who are now grown up and reflected on their participation in the famous series.

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Vídeo revela transformação impressionante de Colin Farrell para dar vida à personagem em "The Penguin"

Video Reveals Colin Farrell’s Impressive Transformation to Bring the Iconic Villain to Life in “The Penguin”

Video reveals the impressive transformation of Colin Farrell to portray the classic villain in “The Penguin,” in which he returns as the crime boss, originally portrayed in “The Batman” by Matt Reeves.

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Cooper Koch. Foto: Divulgação Netflix

Viewers Praise Scene from “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” and Already Call for Award for Actor

Viewers of the new Netflix production are praising Cooper Koch for his performance in one of the most impactful scenes from the series “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.”

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Netflix divulga trailer da 2ª temporada de "Squid Game" e fãs identificam detalhes ocultos - confira!

Netflix releases trailer for Season 2 of “Squid Game,” and fans identify hidden details – check it out!

Netflix has released the first trailer for the second season of “Squid Game”, and fans are already on the lookout for possible hidden details.

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Netflix é criticada por erro histórico em "Monsters", série sobre os irmãos Menendez

Netflix criticized for historical error in “Monsters,” a series about the Menendez brothers

Viewers criticized Netflix for making a mistake in the first episode of the new series “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story”, which now focuses on the Menendez brothers, known for murdering their parents in 1989.

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David Schwimmer, de "Friends", recusou "Men in Black" para seguir sonho: "teria me tornado uma estrela de cinema

David Schwimmer from “Friends” turned down “Men in Black” to follow his dream: “I would have become a movie star”

David Schwimmer revealed that he faced a tough decision in his career during the 90s when he got the chance to star in the movie “Men in Black” during a break from filming “Friends”.

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