Após sucesso de "The Pinguin", confira outras séries do universo do Batman

After the success of “The Penguin,” check out other series from the Batman universe!

Batman is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and well-known heroes in pop culture, with over 80 years of adventures in comic books.

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“Shrinking”, the series with Harrison Ford and Jason Segel, is returning for its 2nd season

“Shrinking”, a series starring Jason Segel and Harrison Ford, is returning for its second season, and fans can hardly wait.

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Falha em aplicativo da BBC alerta sobre furacão com ventos de 23 mil km/h e gera pânico no Reino Unido

BBC app glitch warns of hurricane with winds of 23,000 km/h and causes panic in the UK

A failure in the BBC weather app caused confusion by alerting about a hurricane with supposedly extreme winds of 23,000 km/h and temperatures of 404°C.

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Anderson Cooper is hit by debris during a live report on Hurricane Milton’s arrival in Florida

Anderson Cooper, CNN anchor, was hit in the face by debris during a live report about Hurricane Milton’s arrival in Florida, leaving viewers shocked.

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Kaos, series starring Jeff Goldblum, is canceled after just one season

“Kaos,” the Netflix series about Greek mythology starring Jeff Goldblum, has been canceled after just one season.

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Promotora dos Irmãos Menendez gera controvérsia por suas declarações em documentário da Netflix

Prosecutor of the Menendez brothers sparks controversy with her statements in the Netflix documentary

Viewers of Netflix criticized prosecutor Pamela Bozanich, who prosecuted the Menendez brothers in 1993, after her comments in a new documentary about the case.

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Daniel Craig deixa James Bond no passado em novo e elogiado romance homossexual

Daniel Craig leaves James Bond in the past in a new and acclaimed gay romance

The new film by Daniel Craig, “Queer,” marks a significant change in his post-James Bond career.

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