Internautas ficam chocados ao descobrir que atriz mirim de "The Grinch" virou vocalista de banda de metal

Internet users are shocked to discover that the child actress from “The Grinch” became the lead singer of a metal band

Taylor Momsen, who played Cindy Lou Who in the movie The Grinch when she was only 7 years old, became the lead singer of a metal band, a career change that has shocked many internet users.

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Pete Davidson deixa fãs boquiabertos após revelar seu salário em "Saturday Night Live"

Pete Davidson Stuns Fans After Revealing His Salary on “Saturday Night Live”

Pete Davidson left the internet speechless after revealing how much he earned per episode on Saturday Night Live.

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Apresentador Piers Morgan nega boatos de que ele é a "mulher dos pombos" de "Home Alone 2"

Presenter Piers Morgan denies rumors that he is the “pigeon lady” from “Home Alone 2.”

Piers Morgan was forced to address rumors circulating that he played the famous ‘Pigeon Lady’ in Home Alone 2.

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Influencer alimenta rumores de ser causa da separação do ator Barry Keoghan com Sabrina Carpenter

Influencer fuels rumors of being the cause of actor Barry Keoghan’s breakup with Sabrina Carpenter

Breckie Hill fueled rumors that she may have been the cause of the breakup between actor Barry Keoghan, 32, and singer Sabrina Carpenter, 25.

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Jornalista esportiva acusa mascote de time de Miami de "dar em cima dela"

Sports Journalist Accuses Miami Team Mascot of “Flirting” with Her

Ashley Wenskoski, sports journalist for CNY Central, accused the mascot of the American football team Miami Hurricanes of hitting on her.

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Apresentador de "I’m A Celebrity" tem "sorte de estar vivo" após ser picado por aranha

“I’m A Celebrity” host says he’s “lucky to be alive” after being bitten by a spider

Declan Donnelly, host of the reality show I’m A Celebrity, was bitten on the neck by a spider off-camera earlier this week.

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Ator de "Loki" revela que está morando na rua e motivo deixa internautas de coração partido

“Loki” actor reveals he’s living on the streets, and the reason breaks the hearts of internet users

Jack Veal, known for playing Kid Loki in the Disney series in 2021, shocked fans after revealing he has no place to live.

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