Ariana Grande se emociona ao falar sobre comentários "perigosos" sobre seu corpo

Ariana Grande gets emotional talking about “dangerous” comments about her body

Ariana Grande has received many comments about her body and appearance since starring in the musical Wicked as Glinda. Now, in a recent interview, she addressed these criticisms.

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OJ Simpson teria confessado matar Nicole Brown Simpson em fita, diz ex-guarda-costas do jogador

OJ Simpson allegedly confessed to killing Nicole Brown Simpson on tape, says the player’s former bodyguard

OJ Simpson allegedly confessed on a tape that he killed his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, according to a claim made by his former bodyguard.

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Ator de Voldemort fala sobre rumores que personagem poderia ser interpretado por Cillian Murphy em reboot de "Harry Potter"

Voldemort actor talks about rumors that the character could be played by Cillian Murphy in the “Harry Potter” reboot

Ralph Fiennes, the actor who portrayed Voldemort in the Harry Potter films, spoke about rumors that Cillian Murphy could play the character in the TV series reboot.

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Atriz mexicana se pronuncia após notícia de sua morte em suposto ritual espiritual viralizar: "Estou viva"

Mexican actress responds after news of her death in alleged spiritual ritual goes viral: “I’m alive”

Mexican actress Marcela Alcaraz had to appear on her Instagram profile to clarify that she is alive after news of her death in a supposed spiritual ritual went viral online.

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List reveals the 10 celebrities who flew the most on private planes in 2024

Website reveals which celebrities flew the most on private jets in 2024.

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Heidi Klum é detonada após posar para ensaio de marca italiana de roupas com sua filha. Foto: Instagram @heidiklum

Video: Heidi Klum Criticized After Posing for Italian Lingerie Brand Campaign with Her Daughter

Heidi Klum, host of America’s Got Talent, is being criticized on social media for posing for a photoshoot with her daughter for the Italian lingerie brand Intimissimi.

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Comercial natalino de David Beckham é denunciado por ensinar maneira "mortal" de assar peru

David Beckham’s Christmas Commercial Reported for Teaching Dangerous Turkey Roasting Method

A Christmas commercial starring David Beckham was reported after showing the football legend roasting a turkey in a dangerous way.

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