Atriz britânica rebate críticas sobre seus lábios depois de aparecer em programa de TV

British actress responds to criticism of her lips after appearing on a TV show

Helen Flanagan, a well-known actress from the British soap opera Coronation Street, responded to criticism she received about her lip fillers after appearing on a TV show.

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Netflix is ordered to pay $385,000 to a woman exposed in a documentary as the secret daughter of a fertility doctor

Netflix has been ordered to pay $385,000 to a woman who was revealed as the secret daughter of a fertility doctor in the documentary “Our Father.”

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Ryan Reynolds e Andrew Garfield relembram beijo no Globo de Ouro de 2017

Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield recall the kiss at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards

Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield gave an interview to Variety magazine, recalling when they shared a passionate kiss during the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

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Repórter da ESPN deixa fãs decepcionados após revelar que é casada

ESPN reporter disappoints fans after revealing she is married

Ashley ShahAhmadi, ESPN reporter, disappointed fans last weekend after they discovered she is married.

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Diretor fala sobre como foi comandar a cena ousada com Megan Fox em novo filme da Netflix

Director talks about how it was to direct the bold scene with Megan Fox in the new Netflix film

S.K. Dale, director of the thriller Subservience, spoke about directing the daring scene with Megan Fox, who plays an intelligent android in the new science fiction film on Netflix.

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Jamie Foxx revela que quase morreu depois de dor de cabeça que o impediu de andar

Jamie Foxx reveals he nearly died after a headache that prevented him from walking

Jamie Foxx shared that he suffered from such intense head pain that he couldn’t walk, a near-death experience that caused him to lose his memory for 20 days.

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James Van Der Beek revela motivo de proibir seus filhos de assistirem "Dawson’s Creek"

James Van Der Beek reveals why he forbids his children from watching “Dawson’s Creek”

James Van Der Beek, the actor who played Dawson Leery in Dawson’s Creek, surprised fans by revealing that he forbids his children from watching the hit series.

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