Diretor de fotografia de "Senna" mostra bastidores das gravações com "chuva artificial"

The cinematographer of “Senna” shows behind-the-scenes footage of the filming with “artificial rain”

Azul Serra, the director of photography for Senna, shared an impressive video showcasing the behind-the-scenes of some iconic scenes from the film.

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Selena Gomez anuncia noivado com Benny Blanco em post do Instagram

Selena Gomez announces engagement to Benny Blanco in an Instagram post

Selena Gomez used her Instagram profile on Thursday morning (12) to announce that she is engaged to Benny Blanco.

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Saiba os detalhes da chegada das lutas da WWE à programação da Netflix

Learn the details about WWE matches coming to the Netflix lineup

After a long history on cable TV, WWE will make its permanent move to Netflix in a deal estimated at over $6 billion over 10 years.

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Drew Barrymore admite que foi pedida para parar de tocar convidados de seu talk show

Drew Barrymore admits she was asked to stop touching guests on her talk show

Drew Barrymore, host of The Drew Barrymore Show, had actress Cynthia Erivo from Wicked as a guest and admitted that she had been asked to stop touching the guests on her show.

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Depois de ficar de fora de série da Netflix, ex-namorada de Ayrton Senna levanta suspeita sobre fidelidade do piloto

After being left out of the Netflix series, Ayrton Senna’s ex-girlfriend raises doubts about the driver’s loyalty

Adriane Yamin, Ayrton Senna’s ex-girlfriend, began questioning the driver’s loyalty after being excluded from the new Netflix series.

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Motivo do fim do namoro de Megan Fox e Machine Gun Kelly é revelado

Reason for the breakup between Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly revealed

Megan Fox, who is expecting a child with Machine Gun Kelly, reportedly ended her relationship with the rapper after discovering revealing messages on his phone.

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Após divórcio de Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez surge com roupa esvoaçante para promover filme

After Ben Affleck’s divorce, Jennifer Lopez appears in a flowing outfit to promote her film

Jennifer Lopez dazzled her fans when she appeared in a stunning flowing jumpsuit to promote her new film, Unstoppable.

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