Participante de "Family Feud" é condenado à prisão perpétua após matar sua esposa

“Family Feud” contestant sentenced to life in prison after killing his wife

Timothy Bliefnick, who went viral in 2020 after appearing on the game show Family Feud, was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for killing his wife, Rebecca.

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Sydney Sweeney deixa fãs boquiabertos com resposta "perfeita" para críticas ao seu corpo

Sydney Sweeney leaves fans speechless with her “perfect” response to body criticism

Sydney Sweeney became the target of a wave of criticism about her body after some paparazzi photos were released last weekend.

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Angelina Jolie admite que está "solitária" após seu divórcio com Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie admits she feels “lonely” after her divorce from Brad Pitt

Despite her controversial separation from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie described herself as a “lonely” person after their divorce.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt abre o jogo sobre suposta briga com Sarah Michelle Gellar

Jennifer Love Hewitt opens up about alleged feud with Sarah Michelle Gellar

Jennifer Love Hewitt breaks her silence on rumors of a conflict with Sarah Michelle Gellar.

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Vídeo: Cena de luta de "Captain America” sem efeitos visuais viraliza nas redes

Video: Fight scene from “Captain America” without visual effects goes viral on social media

A fight scene from the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier without visual effects is leaving internet users impressed.

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Saiba quais atores de “Home Alone” faleceram desde o lançamento do filme

Find out which “Home Alone” actors have passed away since the movie’s release

Home Alone is one of the most famous Christmas classics, watched every year by fans of Christmas movies. But since the movie was released almost 35 years ago, many of the actors are no longer with us.

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Aos 62 anos, Demi Moore deixa fãs boquiabertos com beleza estonteante durante festival de cinema

At 62, Demi Moore leaves fans speechless with her stunning beauty at the film festival

Demi Moore stunned her followers when she posted some photos on her Instagram profile, where she looks much younger than her actual age.

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