Jennifer Lopez fica visivelmente incomodada com comentário indelicado sobre sua idade durante entrevista

Jennifer Lopez visibly uncomfortable with rude comment about her age during interview

Jennifer Lopez was completely stunned by an interviewer who made an unpleasant comment about her age, and her reaction went viral on social media.

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Vídeo: Justin Timberlake deixa fãs chocados após "mostrar demais" no palco

Video: Justin Timberlake shocks fans after “showing too much” on stage

Justin Timberlake experienced a wardrobe malfunction on stage, which resulted in him showing more than he intended during the show.

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Testemunha da morte de Liam Payne quebra o silêncio após anúncio de documentário "invasivo"

Witness to Liam Payne’s death breaks silence after “invasive” documentary announcement

A man who saw Liam Payne fall from his hotel balcony in Argentina has broken the silence about the singer’s tragic death in a documentary.

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Robert Downey Jr. é detonado após cobrar pagamento "problemático" para retornar à Marvel

Robert Downey Jr. faces backlash after demanding “problematic” payment to return to Marvel

Robert Downey Jr. is facing criticism on social media after the exorbitant payment for his return to Marvel was revealed.

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New Netflix movie with Taron Egerton receives rave reviews and comparison to “Die Hard”

The new Netflix movie starring Taron Egerton has received a lot of praise from fans and is being positively compared to Bruce Willis’ “Die Hard.”

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Apresentadora emociona internautas após rebater telespectador que falou mal de sua tatuagem facial

Host moves internet users after responding to a viewer who criticized her facial tattoo

Oriini Kaipara, a New Zealand journalist of Māori descent, made history in 2021 by becoming the first presenter to appear on national television with a facial tattoo.

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Nicole Kidman revela que cenas intensas de filme polêmico a deixaram com "hematomas por todo o corpo"

Nicole Kidman reveals that intense scenes from controversial film left her with “bruises all over her body”

In a recent interview, Nicole Kidman revealed that the daring scenes from the controversial film Babygirl left her with many “bruises”.

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