Arnold Schwarzenegger deixa fãs preocupados após imagens dele cercado por cinco guarda-costas viralizarem

Arnold Schwarzenegger worries fans after images of him surrounded by five bodyguards go viral

Fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger have expressed concern about the actor’s condition after images of him surrounded by multiple bodyguards began circulating online.

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MrBeast deixa internautas confusos após alugar três pirâmides do Egito para futuro vídeo

MrBeast confuses internet users after renting three pyramids in Egypt for an upcoming video

MrBeast confused his fans when he revealed that he had rented three pyramids in Egypt for 100 hours to make a video.

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Ator de "Squid Game" aborda acusações de "americanização" na segunda temporada da série

“Squid Game” actor addresses “Americanization” accusations in the second season of the series

Lee Jung-jae, the actor who plays Seong Gi-hun, the protagonist of Squid Game, addressed accusations that the second season of the series feels “too Americanized”.

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Cinegrafista de Steve Irwin revela a última coisa que ele disse antes de morrer tragicamente

Steve Irwin’s cameraman reveals the last thing he said before tragically dying

Steve Irwin, better known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” tragically died in 2006. In an interview, his underwater cameraman revealed what his last words were.

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Apresentadora de jornal morre de aneurisma aos 28 anos e recebe homenagens dos colegas

News presenter dies of aneurysm at 28 and receives tributes from colleagues

Ana Orsini, who presented the channel’s main morning news on KOLD News 13, died last week after a brain aneurysm, the channel reported.

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“Wicked: Part 2” gets a new title and fans share their opinions on the change

“Wicked: Part 2” has received a new title, and musical fans have taken to social media to share their opinions on the change.

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Nova série da Netflix é chamada de "obra-prima" por fãs que imploram por segunda temporada

New Netflix series called a “masterpiece” by fans who are begging for a second season

Fans are asking for another season of a new Netflix series described as a ‘masterpiece.’

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