Atriz Julia Roberts. Foto: Reprodução Instagram @juliaroberts

Understand why Julia Roberts almost didn’t act in “Notting Hill”

Interpreting the role of Anna Scott in the classic “Notting Hill” was reconsidered by actress Julia Roberts: she thought a lot before accepting.

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Foto: X @DaddyRutabaga e @dieworkwear

Actor from “Seinfeld” threatened to leave the series because his character didn’t have enough screen time

Actor Jason Alexander from the comedy series “Seinfeld” threatened to leave the show because his character, George Costanza, didn’t have enough screen time, according to a biography.

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Fotky a video: X a TikTok @chloclo24 @rileysoley

Fan of the series “Friends” discovers error that can only be seen on a big screen

A fan of the series “Friends” discovers an error in the episode “The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss” that can only be seen on a big screen.

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Az színész elárulta, hogy mennyit kapott a 'Stranger Things' sorozatban való részvételéért. Fotó: Reprodukció Instagram

Actor from ‘Stranger Things’ reveals how much he received for his participation in the series

Actor Tristan Spohn, who played one of the gifted children from the Hawkins lab in Stranger Things, revealed how much he received for his participation in the episodes of the fourth season of the Netflix series.

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Internautas ficam furiosos com reforma da casa icônica do filme 'Home Alone'

Internet users are furious about the renovation of the iconic house from the movie ‘Home Alone’

The mansion from the movie Home Alone, one of the most recognizable houses in Christmas movie history, is up for sale, but internet users are not at all happy with the unusual renovations made to the interior of the house.

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Atriz de 'Mad Max' posta clique ousado durante viagem à França

“Mad Max” actress posts bold click during trip to France

Actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, 37 years old, used her official Instagram profile to share a series of snapshots, surprising fans by appearing very relaxed in one of them!

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Ex-participante de reality show impressiona ao perder 283 Kg; confira o antes e depois!

Former reality show contestant amazes by losing 283 kg; check out the before and after!

A former contestant on the ‘Family by the Ton’ reality show, which follows individuals with severe obesity, has surprised fans and followers on social media by sharing her before and after.

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