
‘Baywatch’ star reveals jealous reaction from Pamela Anderson’s ex-boyfriend to kiss on the series

‘Baywatch’ star reveals jealous reaction from Pamela Anderson’s ex-boyfriend to kiss on the series (YouTube / @Baywatch)

David Chokachi, known for his role as the lifeguard ‘Cody Madison’ in “Baywatch“, reminisces about the highs and lows behind the scenes of the series.

Chokachi shared an incident where Pamela Anderson’s boyfriend, Tommy Lee, reacted jealously to a kissing scene between him and Anderson.

According to information from New York Post, Lee’s jealousy reached a point where he destroyed Anderson’s trailer on the set, revealing a complicated dynamic between the couple in real life.

“He was insanely jealous, and he didn’t like seeing his wife or girlfriend at the time kissing another guy on camera. He was just… extremely jealous, threatened the lives of the producers. I wanted to say, ‘It’s just TV, man.'”, said David Chokachi.

Chokachi also highlighted how “Baywatch” transcended borders, being watched even in Siberia. For many viewers, the show offered an hour of escapism, transporting them to the sunny life in California.

He still keeps in touch with cast members, including David Charvet, David Hasselhoff, and Alexandra Paul, and shares a special relationship with Gregory Bonnan, one of the creators of the show.

Source: New York Post



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