Após acidente de bicicleta, Simon Cowell passa por cirurgia e por pouco não fica paralítico

Após acidente de bicicleta, Simon Cowell passa por cirurgia e por pouco não fica paralítico
Após acidente de bicicleta, Simon Cowell passa por cirurgia e por pouco não fica paralítico. Foto: Instagram

Após sofrer um acidente em uma bicicleta e fraturar a coluna vertebral, Simon Cowell passou por seis horas de cirurgia.

O incidente aconteceu no último sábado (8), enquanto o jurado dos realities The X Factor e America’s Got Talent guiava sua bicicleta elétrica e sofreu uma queda. Simon estava na sua mansão em Malibu, nos Estados Unidos, com o filho, de seis anos.

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“A cirurgia durou seis horas e envolveu vários procedimentos e fusões, incluindo uma haste de metal colocada em suas costas”, explica o site Today.

O acidente foi confirmado pela assessoria de Simon Cowell, que também informou que o britânico, de 60 anos, já está em recuperação no hospital.

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Hello everyone. I wanted to share something exciting my son Eric and I have been working on. I would like to introduce to you #WISHFITS. To begin with, we have announced a seven book deal with @hachettekids today. WISHFIT is a world where the most unusual animals exist. The WISHFITS are magical, unusual and have evolved in a weird and wonderful way, combining two different species to form hybrid animals with very distinct characteristics! Some of Eric’s favourite WISHFITS include the DAT (dog/cat) the COG (cat/dog), the SNOG (snail/dog – the enthusiasm of a dog at the speed of a snail), the PEEP (pig/sheep) the CHUG (cheetah/slug – the slowest cat in the world), the HIPPOROO (hippo/kangaroo), the CHIMPANPOO (chimpanzee/poodle), the POLARBAT (polarbear/bat), the CROCOPUSS (crocodile/cat), the SHIGER (sheep/tiger – the most nervous cat in the world), the SPIKEY (spider/donkey) and many, many more. To be able to write a series of books with my son Eric has been magical. This idea was inspired 3 years ago by a very special friend of ours who runs a Children’s Hospice charity. I told her one evening about some of the funny animals my son Eric and I would invent, starting with the Cog and the Dat. And how every evening the two of us would think of the most unlikely animal we would like to have as a pet. She loved this idea so much she encouraged me to turn this into a book series. I then met with an amazing company called @tongalteam who have a global community of creators. We loved the idea of thousands of creative people being part of the development of our idea. I am thrilled to be working with Hachette, an amazing publishing house. They shared our passion and enthusiasm from the moment we told them about WISHFITS.
 Two of the children’s charities I work closely with will benefit from profits of WISHFITS, @sschospices and @togetherforshortlives. Simon PS. My gut feeling is that some of these WISHFITS actually exist…somewhere!

Uma publicação compartilhada por @ simoncowell em

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