The wife of Michael Gambon, known as Dumbledore in “Harry Potter,” inherits a fortune, but the longtime girlfriend receives nothing

Actor Michael Gambon left a large fortune to his wife. Photo: Reproduction Twitter

Michael Gambon, recognized for his role as Dumbledore in the “Harry Potter” saga, left a fortune to his wife Lady Anne, while his set designer Philippa Hart, with whom he had a relationship, received nothing.

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After his death in September last year, Michael Gambon, known for his role as Dumbledore in the “Harry Potter” saga, left a fortune to his wife, the mathematician Lady Anne – with whom he shares his son Fergus.

However, in 2002, he revealed that he was in a relationship with set designer Philippa Hart – 25 years younger. And after his will was recently published, it was revealed that Michael’s longtime girlfriend Philippa, with whom he shares the teenage sons Tom, 17, and William, 15, would not receive anything.

After drafting his will in 2016, the actor named his wife and his 60-year-old son Fergus as executors. He determined that his entire fortune of £1,465,882 would be left to his son in case his wife died before him.

Michael did not keep his relationship with Philippa a secret, and a year after they met, he introduced his partner, who is two years younger than his son Fergus, to colleagues like Maggie Smith and Charles Dance.

Additionally, Anne apparently accepted the relationship, and for many years, Michael split his time between the £5 million mansion he shared with Lady and a property in west London where Philippa and the couple’s teenage sons now live.

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