
Felfedezték Dana Carvey színész fia halálának okát

Az hivatalos ok, amiért Dana Carvey legidősebb fiának, Dexnek váratlanul bekövetkezett a halála, most már…

Cause of Death Revealed for Actor Dana Carvey’s Son

The official cause of death for the eldest son of Dana Carvey, Dex, has been…

Comedy about a lizard voiced by Adam Sandler becomes the most watched on Netflix

According to FlixPatrol, the movie Leo took the lead in the Netflix ranking and became…

Comédia sobre lagarto com a voz de Adam Sandler se torna o mais visto do Netflix

Segundo o FlixPatrol, o filme Leo assumiu a liderança no ranking da Netflix e se…

A irmã mais nova de Britney Spears, Jamie Lynn Spears, vai participar da 32ª temporada de Dancing With The Stars

A irmã mais nova de Britney Spears, Jamie Lynn Spears, vai particirá do Dancing With…

Horror with macabre children becomes a hit on Netflix

Recently, a new horror and suspense film appeared in Netflix's top 10. We're talking about…

Terror com crianças macabras vira sucesso no Netflix

Recentemente um novo filme de terror e suspense apareceu no top 10 do Netflix. Estamos…

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