
OJ Simpson teria confessado matar Nicole Brown Simpson em fita, diz ex-guarda-costas do jogador

OJ Simpson allegedly confessed to killing Nicole Brown Simpson on tape, says the player’s former bodyguard

OJ Simpson allegedly confessed on a tape that he killed his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson,…

Comercial natalino de David Beckham é denunciado por ensinar maneira "mortal" de assar peru

David Beckham’s Christmas Commercial Reported for Teaching Dangerous Turkey Roasting Method

A Christmas commercial starring David Beckham was reported after showing the football legend roasting a…

Kanye West’s new music video featuring North and Chicago is slammed by fans

Kanye West released a new music video on Wednesday (27) for the song Bomb. However,…

Katie Price’s physique worries fans after new post: “Doesn’t look healthy”

Katie Price has worried her followers after posting a photo in which she appears extremely…

Taylor Swift receives an apology from Billboard for music video featuring her wax figure without clothes

Billboard issued a public apology to Taylor Swift after posting a video featuring a nude…

Elenco israelense de novo filme bíblico da Netflix é detonado por ativistas: "Diabólico"

Cast of new Netflix biblical movie slammed by Palestinian activists

Mary, the new Netflix biblical movie that will tell the story of Jesus' mother, is…

Netflix é criticada por erro histórico em "Monsters", série sobre os irmãos Menendez

Netflix criticized for historical error in “Monsters,” a series about the Menendez brothers

Viewers criticized Netflix for making a mistake in the first episode of the new series…