The Simpsons

“The Simpsons” hanno predetto Kamala Harris come presidente degli Stati Uniti?

Dopo che Joe Biden ha annunciato la sua decisione di non candidarsi alla rielezione, i…

“The Simpsons” predicted Kamala Harris as President of the United States?

After Joe Biden announced his decision not to run for reelection, fans of 'The Simpsons'…

“Haben ‘The Simpsons’ Kamala Harris als Präsidentin der USA vorhergesagt?”

Nachdem Joe Biden seine Entscheidung bekannt gegeben hatte, nicht für eine Wiederwahl anzutreten, wiesen Fans…

“Har ‘The Simpsons’ forudset Kamala Harris som præsident for USA?”

Efter Joe Biden annoncerede sin beslutning om ikke at genopstille, påpegede fans af 'The Simpsons'…

“The Simpsons předpovědět Kamalu Harrisovou jako prezidentku USA?”

Poté, co Joe Biden oznámil své rozhodnutí nekandidovat znovu, fanoušci 'The Simpsons' poukázali na další…

Mais uma previsão feita em ‘The Simpsons’ se torna realidade

Foto: Reprodução  Fox Os fãs de 'The Simpsons' estão convencidos que o programa fez mais…

Another prediction from ‘The Simpsons’ comes true

Fans of 'The Simpsons' are convinced that the show has made another future prediction; this…

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