Netflix has released a documentary about French journalist Claude Vorilhon, who claimed to have been visited by aliens in a volcanic crater in 1973.
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He assumed the name Raël and claimed to have received a message from aliens and been tasked with delivering it to people on this planet. This message basically stated that all life on Earth was created by aliens.
Additionally, he claimed that they continued to try to communicate with us, although the people they chose were misunderstood because humanity was not as civilized as the aliens who created us.
He called these aliens Elohim and claimed that he was supposed to build an embassy for them, and this a year later after he claimed to have had his encounter with the aliens.
A year later, he claimed to have been abducted by aliens and taken to another planet, where he met Buddha, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, and that his real biological father was an alien named Yaweh.
The documentary titled Raël: The Alien Prophet aims to show how Vorilhon started a cult that gained thousands of members. Former members of the cult claim that Vorilhon ruined people’s lives, turning some of the women who joined into “sex slaves.”
They also revealed that people were not allowed to refuse his advances, especially after he formed the “Order of Angels,” a group of young people he chose to “welcome” the aliens when they came to Earth.
As the cult leader claimed that humanity was created in the laboratory by an alien species, he attempted to achieve “eternal life” by trying to clone babies.
The cult claimed to have cloned a human baby in 2001 and later said that they had managed to do it at a secret location, but there is still no evidence of this cloned baby.
Although many of these famous cults have collapsed in one way or another, Raël is still alive and exposing his beliefs to anyone willing to listen in his new home in Japan.