
“Mad Max” actress posts bold click during trip to France

Actress from ‘Mad Max’ posts bold shot during trip to France (Instagram / @rosiehw)

Actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, 37 years old, used her official Instagram profile to share a series of snapshots, surprising fans by appearing very relaxed in one of them!

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Boldly, the also British supermodel, who has already starred in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road‘ (2015) and ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon‘, posed without clothes while lying on the bed in her hotel room, where she is staying in Cannes, France.

Morning in Cannes,” Rosie wrote in the caption of the post. The bold snapshot caught the attention of followers, many praised the actress, but on the other hand, several criticized Whiteley for the photo, pointing out that it was not elegant.

That was unexpected,” said one. “Why the photo without clothes? You don’t need that,” commented another. “The third photo was disappointing, especially since I’ve always considered Rosie to be someone elegant,” said another. Check it out:

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