Emma Watson explains why she decided to stop acting


The actress explained why she no longer acts and revealed what she is doing 5 years after her last appearance on screen.

In an interview, Emma Watson explained why she no longer acts and revealed what she is doing 5 years after her last appearance on screen.

Watson was only 11 years old when she became known worldwide for her role as Hermione Granger in the first *”Harry Potter”* film. In addition to participating in the eight films of the franchise, she also starred in successful movies such as *”The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” “The Beauty and the Beast”* and *”Bling Ring.”*

But after playing Meg March in *”Little Women”* in 2019, Watson has not returned to acting. The actress revealed to *Financial Times* earlier this year that she stepped away from acting because she “wasn’t very happy.”

“I think I felt a little trapped,” she explained; “It was really hard to be the face and spokesperson for things I wasn’t involved in the process of.” “I just wanted to be part of things where, if someone criticized me, I could say, ‘Yes, I made a mistake, that was my decision, I should have done better.'”

Currently, Watson is working with her brother Alex on producing a gin called *Renais*, inspired by the wine produced by her father Chris Watson’s vineyard in Chablis, France.

But fans of the actress need not worry, as Watson will “definitely” return to acting in the future, she is just waiting for the right moment: “I’m happy to sit and wait for the next right thing. I love what I do,” she said.

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