CNN Portugal anchor is suspended on suspicion of corruption

CNN Portugal

CNN Portugal’s anchor, Júlio Magalhães, 61 years old, a known and respected name in Portuguese media, has requested voluntary suspension from his activities on the news channel after becoming one of the targets of Operation Maestro, investigating a large corruption scheme related to the textile industry, which may have illicitly moved 40 million euros.

In an official statement, the station informed that, due to recent events and searches at Júlio Magalhães’ home, the journalist decided to voluntarily suspend his functions. He communicated to the company his unavailability to work and should no longer be the channel’s anchor.

Besides being a presenter, Magalhães is also a partner in a company linked to the textile industry and is currently under investigation for tax fraud, subsidy fraud, and abuse of power. Investigations suggest that the CNN Portugal anchor may have used his influence to help his partner, businessman Manuel Serrão, president of the Selectiva Moda Association, get projects funded by the European Union approved.

In a statement, the station confirmed the suspension: “it is mutually understood that this situation should remain until further clarification of the facts mentioned in Operation Maestro”. “CNN will guide its conduct by the respect the journalist deserves, in compliance also with the principle of presumption of innocence to which all citizens are entitled.”

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